Life Is Like the Hokey-Pokey


Using the children's song "The Hokey Pokey" and likening it to life is not original with me.  Even my minister talked about it a few weeks ago. But I'm intrigued with the whole concept and thought I might pontificate for a bit.

Let's face it, although life can be lived with only one foot in and the other foot out, certainly one is not fully alive applying this construct. One cannot expect a fulfilling and exceptional romantic relationship by committing only halfway. Nor can child-rearing, health and fitness, meditation practice or much of anything at all be worthwhile and meaningful. Doing anything halfway can only result in halfway results.

Think about that for which you deeply long with all your being. It resides in the deepest recesses of your heart. It sits and waits for you to acknowledge it, to embrace it, to charge after it.

For me, right now, it is the Walk. How can I do this with only one foot in? Of course. I cannot. I absolutely must throw my whole self in, mustn't I? Now should circumstances disallow a re-start or, once started, circumstances thwart my desire to continue, well then I can pull my whole self out.

I've spent a lifetime throwing my whole self into various projects. From homeschooling my 4 kiddos for 12 years to buying an RV and traveling across the country with 2 of those kids to directing children's musicals to taking on the monumental task of renovating my 65 yr old house - 2 times...I am a throw my whole self in kind of person!

Some people may liken me to a crazed lunatic, a maniac in my 100% or nothing approach to life, but I have found that this total abandonment...that which may seem foolhardy to a perfect fit for me.

Of course, this "put your whole self in" to a project may not always result in glimmering success to our result-oriented worldview. It's that inner knowing that you gave it the best shot that you possibly could at the time that counts. Dis-attach from the results. That is what will allow you to put your whole self in.

Go ahead...go for it! Really, what do you have to lose?


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