The Discipline of Discipline

Lately I have been somewhat dismayed with my lack of progress. I am an absolutely wonderful, stellar really, list-maker, idea-generator, chart-checker-off-er. Yet here I am nearly on the eve of a pretty big birthday still miles from my self-generated “goals”. And when I look closely, I believe, once again, that a lack of discipline is the culprit for these high and lofty dreams to float into the ethers unattained…by me anyway.

I’ve written about discipline previously, though I would have to search for that particular post. I’m probably no further along than I was last time I broached this subject. And the ironic thing is – I’ve always thought myself completely disciplined. Looking more closely I think I am one of those “great under pressure” kinda gals. I can knock out nearly anything when I absolutely have to. Heads up – this is not discipline! This is controlled panic!

Problem is the panic-style model is one in which I think a tiger is chasing me and I get all “Type A” on anyone standing nearby and my cortisol levels go through the roof and that’s why I have a thick middle. Or that’s what I tell myself…easier than swallowing the lack of discipline pill in the eating and exercise area.

I’ve also spent YEARS believing I have a “time-management” problem and have invested many dollars in workshops and seminars that teach how to manage said time. Even if the systems were actually good ones, one still must have discipline to implement said systems, right? And I’ve already established I have little to none of that.

I am now more than half-way through my ministerial program with LOADS to do to prepare for my ministry which is, by the way, not glaringly obvious to me quite yet but not to worry, more will be revealed. But I sure would like to get some things in order before I graduate.

A gentleman I’ve talked to recently rises every morning at 3:45 am! This amazes me and is something I have done in my younger days. So many more quiet hours to get things done. It FEELS nearly impossible now but why is that? Lack of discipline?

This is what the good ole Bible tells me:

            Hebrews 12:11 - For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

So yeah, there it is in black and white…discipline SEEMS painful rather than pleasant. But still…the promise is, well, promising – right?

Here are a few more famous quotes on discipline. Hang on!
Aristotle (YIKES)

If we do not discipline ourselves the world will do it for us.
William Feather

Walter Scott (My friend must have read this one…and acted on it!)

So now that I have “fessed up” in regard to my struggles with discipline, I am actively putting into place actions to help, gently, and in some cases not so very gently, move me toward greater discipline. And greater productivity. I have experienced the total joy of discipline. This would be reaping the rewards of a job or two well done and not put off until tomorrow.

Like posting this blog after months of not.


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