Releasing Negativity
The topic of "releasing negativity" has been on my mind for a long time. Having now lived more
than half my lifetime and still finding within myself things that irk me, I
feel it’s high time to address these “things”.
It seems
that the inner burdens I have been carrying were placed there very, very early
in life. My job, which I enthusiastically embraced, was to nurture and care for
these items of import. They were mostly off-hand comments made by irresponsible
adults: parents, relatives, teachers, and other important caregivers. Even
friends, as I grew into adolescence, were valuable contributors to my burden of negative self-image.
of the precise verbiage, I sucked in what I assumed to be the truth “about me”
like a powerful shop vac. I carried with me throughout my lifetime feelings of
inadequacy, undeservedness, unworthiness, not feeling good enough, fears of
failure, the list could be endless. I think you get the idea.
I sat on the couch of some well-respected therapists and counselors and worked
on releasing these beliefs. I did inner child work that was both terrifying and fascinating, however these exercises brought me no closer to relief. I kept
dream journals, repeated affirmations, and wrote long lists of all my positive
these exercises kept me busy and reduced my finances quite a bit but did little to help me
release these false beliefs.
languaging did resonate…”false beliefs”! Huh, well that was something to
ponder. Still, it took time for me to connect the dots, to connect the idea of
false beliefs to my ideas about me.
don’t know about you, but my thoughts and ideas about myself are not usually
“spot on”. I deceive my own self more frequently than I care to admit. I can’t see the
forest for the trees, so to speak. Not on purpose, usually, it’s just the way
I’ve learned to cope. If I acted on how poorly I unconsciously thought about
myself, I’d never be able to get out of bed in the morning.
forward…soon I heard about “releasing that which no longer serves”. As I took
that idea into meditation and prayer, it was clear I had a whole truckload of
items that no longer served me. So I participated in releasing ceremonies,
especially at church on New Year’s Eve. A metal barrel, aka trash can, was set
up outside the sanctuary with a fire burning in it and everyone dropped their
piece of paper-onto which they had written their “old stuff”-into the barrel
releasing and burning up that year’s old business. Me too.
I still thought I was scum. No good. Unable to succeed. At anything.
forward to my water fast. One of my intentions when I entered my fast was to
get clarity. Clarity on me. Who I am and why I’m here. Yes, of course I had the
broad picture. But I wanted to go deep. And I got what I wanted. I went deep.
By the way…deep is beautiful!
one of my fasting days, I was inspired to do another burning ceremony. Another
releasing of that which no longer serves me. So I did. I wrote down on a piece
of old paper every crummy thing I could think of that I have thought about
myself for my entire life. And I took it outside and set it aflame. I had a
little candle and then I smudged myself and the area where I sat with sage. It
was a lovely, divine moment. Just me and God.
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The ash remains of my "list" |
this time it “took”. :-)
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