Walk of Faith

When I began planning for my walk across the country, the inspired idea got my juices flowing and I zoomed into 'get 'er done' mode. I researched EVERYTHING, began a walking regiment and began the extraordinary task of clearing out, selling, and giving away all my stuff. This, of course, culminated in quitting my job and selling my vehicle...both EXTREMELY secure items for me. I just about ditched it all.

When the walk assumed the pose of one in a deep coma, things had to transition and change. All the while I maintained outwardly and believed inwardly, that I would resume the walk in time. I made a video and launched it on GoFundMe and at the same time, my life needed (or better said, I needed) some structure, some delineation of purpose here at home. I brainstormed with many people.

I started this walk believing (perhaps only half believing) that my needs would be satisfied. My Source has ALWAYS taken care of my every need. It's easy to see this in hindsight though I, like perhaps you, can't see it happening in the moment. And foresight is a liar. Trying to plan for and raise enough capital for the knowns and unknowns can, literally, drive one mad. I know.

I've spent considerable time in the past few weeks, alternately revving up my engines and losing the key, all in the hopes of getting a clear direction. I have two mentors and I've consulted with both of them (with the understanding that this is definitely a solo journey...and decision).

I did finally arrive at a decision (at least for today) that one of my reasons for walking was to grow my faith. But the thing is my faith is growing deeper each and every day as I wait for Source to provide. I do not believe that any more faith would be required. In other words, a long distance, transcontinental walk is not a necessary component to faith building. Certainly faith would be necessary but that happens living here in Winter Garden everyday. The part that is required has not yet shown up and until it does - here I stay. I'm looking for and seeking other avenues of giving joy, other paths to explore.

Another element in my desire to do this walk was to physically challenge myself, to do something very hard. That 'something' has revealed itself in all manner of ways - again not requiring a leaving it all to do this walk. And as far as "hard" is concerned, writing is my purpose and it is hard. Not physically hard but mentally hard. As any writer can attest, I would rather clean the oven sometimes than sit down and write. Again I rely on Source to inspire me and move me in the direction of my purpose.

That which I am here to do.

So Lindawalksamerica has been moved to the back burner, temporarily or permanently, I just don't know. But all is well.

It always is.


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