
If you remember, I was going to sell my house. Within days of listing it, I had an offer. But it was an offer I had to refuse. Making a monumental decision like selling one's home, right after the devastation of an unfulfilled dream, was a poor timing choice on my part. One grief followed by another could have been difficult to recover from. So here I am residing in the most perfect place for me at this time. I've been busy pruning back bushes and trees and readying myself for the next step.

After years of journaling, collecting dusty words in countless volumes, capturing many of the ups and downs, highs and lows, joys and sorrows of this mixed-up live of mine, I find myself sharing all of these roller-coaster rides with you, my readers.

We all have unrealized dreams, unattained goals, unexpressed desires...well, maybe not ALL of us...but I'm willing to bet a large pile of bananas that ALMOST all of us sometimes feel unfilled or experience a sense, vague or glaring, of somehow having missed our boat. Childhood may have been the last time we thought about what we wanted to be when we "grew up". But I firmly, really truly, believe that it's never too late to chase after AND CAPTURE those dreams, pursue those goals and become what we were meant to be. Our wandering spirits (read:confused) may need to try on multiple experiences before we land on the perfect fit. Or maybe that fit only fits for awhile and then the urge to grow pushes onward to another fit. But often we just get stuck and remain where we are, unsure how to rock ourselves out of the muck.

My experiences, while not unique in any sense, (well, maybe prepping to walk across America is a bit unique) might just be the catalyst someone needs to step out of that old familiar box and stretch the sticky wings of their inner emerging butterfly. Personally I have found most of my challenges and difficulties were during periods of transition. When am I NOT in transition? Life transitions us, whether we like it or not. Through these transition times I find it more possible, more conceivable to evolve, to try on different hats looking again for the next best fit. Might as well make the most of it.

So yes, I am home. I have been abundantly blessed to have had a soft place to fall. A place to re-group and re-think and re-calibrate how to do this again. A friend at church said it best. He said, "Isn't it great that God did what was needed to be done in you before you even got out of Florida." When I first heard that statement, I couldn't see the positive in it, but I sure see it now.

May you be as blessed as I.



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